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Inspiration List

We were inspired by many different kinds of media and we are listing them here in a way that does not distinguish between scholarly and non-scholarly sources.


Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell (2004)

The Sound Machine, Roald Dahl (1949)

A queda do Céu: Palavras de um Xamã Yanomami, Davi Kopenawa Yanomami and Bruce Albert (2016)

Earth Beings: Ecologies of Practice Across Andean Worlds, Marisol de la Cadena (2015)

The ‘Cholera Cloud’ in the Nineteenth-Century ‘British World’: History of an Object-Without-an-Essence, Projit Bihari Mukharji (2012)

Staying with the Trouble, Donna Haraway (2016)

An Indigenous Feminist’s Take On The Ontological Turn: ‘Ontology’ Is Just Another Word For Colonialism,  Zoe Todd (2016)

Meteorologistas e Profetas da Chuva, Renzo Taddei (2016)

The Arts of Noticing, Anna Tsing (2015)

Story of Your Life, Ted Chiang (1998)

Why Interspecies Thinking Needs Indigenous Standpoints, Kim TallBear (2011)

Racial Fictions, Biological Facts: Expanding the Sociological Imagination through Speculative Methods, Ruha Benjamin (2016)

Modifications of Clouds, Luke Howard (1803)

Meghaduta, or Cloud Messenger, Kalidasa (4th or 5th century CE)

The Invention of Clouds: How an Amateur Meteorologist Forged the Language of the Skies, Richard Hamblyn (2001)

Venus in Two Acts, Saidiya Hartman (2008)

Moral Selves and Moral Scenes: Narrative Experiments in Everyday Life, Cheryl Mattingly (2013)

89 Clouds, Mark Strand and Wendy Mark (1999)

The Illusion of Life: Essays on animation, Alan Cholodenko (1991)

The Cloudspotter's Guide: The Science, History, and Culture of Clouds, Gavin Pretor-Pinney (2007)

Constructing Natures: Symbolic ecology and social practice, Philippe Descola (1996)

Ethnographic Salvage and the Shaping of Anthropology, Jacob W. Gruber (1970)

Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect, Mel Y. Chen (2012)

The Cloud, Percy Bysshe Shelley (1820)

Viral Clouds: Becoming H5N1 in Indonesia, Celia Lowe (2010)

A World Without Clouds, Natalie Wolchover (2019): Link.

Oral Traditions

Kisah Pengorbanan Awan, Cloud Sacrifice (Bahasa)

Lei Gong, God of Thunder (Chinese)

Kumo no Ito, The Weaver of Clouds/The Spider’s Thread (Japanese)

The Origin of Fog (Inuit)

Ngakallamurro, Ngallawirri, Prolggi, and other stories about the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (Aboriginal Australia)


“Overcast”, Hildur Guðnadóttir

“Exurgency”, Zoë Keating

“Life with You”, The Proclaimers

“Data.matrix”, Ryoji Ikeda

“Rabo de Nube”, Silvio Rodriguez

“A Deserted Garden”, Florence Price

“In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated”, Thom Willems

“The Caterpillar’s Intervention”, James Holden

“Benguelê”, João Bosco & Grupo Corpo

“Huaynaputina”, Mogwai

“Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, Milos Karadaglic ft. Anoushka Shankar (Beatles Cover)

“Main Rahi Bhatakane Wale Hoon” (I am a wanderer), Mukesh Chand Mathur

“Erupting Light”, Hildur Guðnadóttir

“Suntoucher”, Groove Armada


All cloud footage filmed by the Actors/Panelists

Arrival, Dennis Villeneuve and Eric Heisserer (2016)

Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett (1953)

Pass Over, Antoinette Nwandu (2018)

Baadal, or Cloud, Amiya Chakravarty (1951)

District 9, Neill Blomkamp (2009)

A Wheatfield with Cypresses, Vincent van Gogh (1889)

Luke Howard, portrait by John Opie (?) (date unknown, sometime around 1802)

Cloud Study, John Constable (1822)

Story Cloud for Jaya, Julianne Yip (2020)

Cirro Stratus, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1817?)

Yellow Mountain in a Sea of Cloud, Wang Song (2006)

The Sea, with moon behind the clouds, Joseph Mallord William Turner (1823-26)

Weighing it Out 5, Crystal Liu (2016?)

Cloud, Lorna Simpson (2005)

Meghaduta illustration, Surya Vaidyanathan (2017)

Meghaduta stamp, India Post (1960)

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